28 Day Meditation — Day 5

28 Day Meditation — Day 5

I missed the train this morn­ing in Peek­skill.  I had got­ten up and done my 30 min morn­ing prac­tice and com­plete­ly blissed out I took the slow way to the train. I enjoyed the trees, the crisp air, the sun in my eyes.  When I heard the train 2.5 blocks, a wheel­chair ramp and 2 flights of stairs away I […]

28 Day Meditation Challenge — Day 3

28 Day Meditation Challenge — Day 3

It is fun­ny.  In my silli­ness I thought that adding this new 30 min to my morn­ing would make me more hec­tic try­ing to run out the door in the morn­ing yet I am find­ing quite the oppo­site.  How and why have I not been cen­ter­ing myself before I start my day?  I seem to have more time.  I have […]

28 Day Meditation Challenge — Day 1

28 Day Meditation Challenge — Day 1

Hi Hohmies! Today I am begin­ning a 28 day med­i­ta­tion chal­lenge inspired by Sharon Salzburg’s new book “Real Hap­pi­ness: The Pow­er of Med­i­ta­tion.” Here is the link to the chal­lenge itself if any­one else wants to join. And — if you aren’t sure how to get start­ed, click on the book above and includ­ed on her site is the first […]