28 Day Meditation — Day 5

I missed the train this morn­ing in Peek­skill.  I had got­ten up and done my 30 min morn­ing prac­tice and com­plete­ly blissed out I took the slow way to the train. I enjoyed the trees, the crisp air, the sun in my eyes.  When I heard the train 2.5 blocks, a wheel­chair ramp and 2 flights of stairs away I began to run with the 2 bags I was car­ry­ing.  Mak­ing a valiant effort my friend and I found our­selves on the train plat­form just as the doors closed in front of our faces.

I began to get angry.  How could they close the doors while we were stand­ing right there!  The next train was­n’t for an hour! Grrrrrrrr.  Was sweaty, frus­trat­ed, com­plete­ly wind­ed and now late.  I became more agi­tat­ed when I thought about how my beau­ti­ful morn­ing was now ruined because I had lost the cen­tered-ness I felt after my morn­ing practice.

I sat on the out­door bench look­ing at the water try­ing to con­trol my wheezy breath­ing from run­ning so stren­u­ous­ly in the cold. In and out.  Iii­i­i­in and ooooou­u­u­ut.  I start­ed to slow my breath.  I felt the cool­ness of it enter­ing my nos­trils and the warmth from my body as it exits.  I see the light danc­ing on the water.  I am in a daze.  My mind slow­ly melts into the rhythm of the ducks float­ing on the water, to the rhythm of my breath, to the rhythm of the seag­ulls flap­ping in the wind.  It is all so beau­ti­ful.  The wood­ed cliffs, the warm sun on my face the clean air in my lungs.  I am in a fuzzy zone tak­ing in the  over­whelm­ing sim­plic­i­ty of how beau­ti­ful it all is.  How grate­ful I am for this moment.

We have 40 min left, do you want to walk around?” my friend asks me.  I shake my head out of the warm abyss of this visu­al med­i­ta­tion and reform my gaze upon her face think­ing “where did the last 20 min go?”  I felt dif­fer­ent.  I was calm, re-cen­tered even grateful…

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