Yogic Inspiration for Lincoln Center’s Fall Season

Yogic Inspiration for Lincoln Center’s Fall Season

Posted by on August 11, 2010 in Fun | 0 Comments

I am inter­est­ed to see how the Fall Fes­ti­val’s music will inspire themes of con­nec­tion and balance.

downward dog — fo’ real

downward dog — fo’ real

Two of my favorite things… It should be good… or very, very bad. Any­one want to let me bor­row their dog to find out? dog yoga class­es I think the dog’s expres­sion says it all…

pain in my posterious

pain in my posterious

This was sent to me recent­ly by a beloved teacher.  I am so glad–  I have been expert­ly trained in the ever chal­leng­ing “yoga knot” and the “cross your eyes and hold your breath” postures. ; )