Author Archives: susan

5 ways to drink more water every day

5 ways to drink more water every day

Admit­ted­ly, Decem­ber for me is a chal­leng­ing month to prop­er­ly hydrate. Between an over­packed sched­ule and lots of din­ing (and drink­ing) out I just don’t get the usu­al 8+ glass­es a day. All I can say is after just a few days of drink­ing my usu­al 3–4 liters of water a day I feel like a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent per­son. Don’t underestimate […]

gang, guess what?!

gang, guess what?!

I have brushed and flossed my teeth for the last three nights in a row AND washed all my make up off before bed! Small vic­to­ries. That is all.



I have begun my morn­ing prac­tice again. Cir­ca 2012 I had a kick ass morn­ing prac­tice going. Then I got a new job, that I love but is demand­ing. At the same time I also got a new boyfriend that I real­ly love, who is now my hus­band. The last two years have been a blur of some pret­ty out­stand­ing things, […]

Starting my 2016 goals on January 3rd…

Starting my 2016 goals on January 3rd…

Hi friends! This is the year I want to become a health god­dess. I want to prac­tice rad­i­cal self care. Actu­al­ly, let me rephrase that: This is the year I will become a health god­dess. I will prac­tice rad­i­cal self care. I make this impor­tant but lofty feel­ing state­ment as I am about to head into my busiest work sea­son of the […]

See you at the Solstice!