5 ways to drink more water every day


Admit­ted­ly, Decem­ber for me is a chal­leng­ing month to prop­er­ly hydrate. Between an over­packed sched­ule and lots of din­ing (and drink­ing) out I just don’t get the usu­al 8+ glass­es a day.
All I can say is after just a few days of drink­ing my usu­al 3–4 liters of water a day I feel like a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent per­son. Don’t under­es­ti­mate how good hydra­tion and drink­ing enough water can make you feel.

Some tips for get­ting in more water a day:
1. drink a glass of water when you first wake up in the am (before cof­fee). your body is dehy­drat­ed from not drink­ing any­thing after sev­er­al hours of sleep
2. get a 1.5 liter water bot­tle and keep it on your desk or in your bag. some­times when you’re busy that walk to the kitchen no mat­ter how short can pre­vent you from not drink­ing enough through out the day.
3. drink a full glass of water before each meal. it not only helps with hydra­tion but it can also help you feel more full. fre­quent­ly dehy­dra­tion is mis­tak­en as hunger, if well hydrat­ed you can make bet­ter food choic­es as well.
4. try seltzer if you are crav­ing some bub­bles! just make sure there is no asper­tame and it is just car­bon­at­ed water. if you want to add fla­vor try some fruit. i per­son­al­ly love seltzer and pineapple
5. go one-for-one. for every glass of wine or cup of cof­fee make sure you drink one glass of water.

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