Starting my 2016 goals on January 3rd…


Hi friends!

This is the year I want to become a health god­dess. I want to prac­tice rad­i­cal self care.

Actu­al­ly, let me rephrase that:
This is the year I will become a health goddess.
I will prac­tice rad­i­cal self care.

I make this impor­tant but lofty feel­ing state­ment as I am about to head into my busiest work sea­son of the year. His­tor­i­cal­ly, dur­ing this time of year I have worked long late hours, I have bare­ly been able to leave my desk to use the bath­room let alone go for a walk around the block, my sleep is infre­quent and anx­i­ety filled and I end up eat­ing what­ev­er is clos­est around 3:00pm.

This year is going to be dif­fer­ent. My mis­sion is to prac­tice rad­i­cal self care dur­ing this, one of my most hec­tic times of the year. To make time to exer­cise, med­i­tate, read, write, get out­side, prac­tice a pre and post sleep rit­u­al and so much more! I have aspired to wear lotion every day, soak in a bath once a week, mas­sage my head in the show­er, drink lemon water before my cof­fee in the morn­ing and feed my soul with artist dates, friends, fam­i­ly, books, the­atre and music. Oh and wine, there will also be wine.

You see, I am prov­ing some­thing to myself. If I can be this health­ful and vibrant dur­ing my busiest time of year (Jan­u­ary — March), then I know April-Decem­ber will be allllllright.

So I say this here, pub­licly, on this third day of Jan­u­ary in 2016:
All the fum­bles and awkwardness,
All the small vic­to­ries and discoveries,
I will post my jour­ney back on the path here.

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