Gift cer­tifi­cates for pri­vate ses­sions are a won­der­ful way to:

  • treat your­self
  • ask ques­tions in a one-on-one format
  •  give the expe­ri­ence of hav­ing a per­son­al­ized prac­tice cus­tom made for the recipient
  • help some­one you care about by giv­ing a gift that will pro­mote health, relieve stress, cre­ate focus and open up the body and the mind
  • encour­age some­one who has always want­ed to try yoga but is intim­i­dat­ed to go to a class
  • have the com­fort of prac­tic­ing in your own home

Once pur­chased, we will cus­tomize your gift cer­tifi­cate  to ensure it express­es exact­ly what you want to say!  You can choose the type of gift (such as birth­day, anniver­sary or hol­i­day) and you’ll also have the option of print­ing your gift cer­tifi­cate or send­ing it to the recip­i­ent by email.

Gift Cer­tifi­cates range from $50-$200. Please email to pur­chase a gift cer­tifi­cate and help some­one on their yoga journey!