Hohmyo­ga inte­grates the phys­i­cal, ener­getic, men­tal and philo­soph­i­cal aspects of yoga to sup­port ful­ly har­mo­nious mind-body health. Uti­liz­ing the phys­i­cal ben­e­fits of the yog­ic prac­tice to qui­et the rest­less mind, reduce stress and enjoy peace, hohmyo­ga is for every­one. No indi­vid­ual is too young, old, small, big, expe­ri­enced, inex­pe­ri­enced, poor or busy for yoga. You already belong so don’t wor­ry about fit­ting in. You already have every­thing you need exist­ing inside of you. You have the key- just come hohm.

The types of classes/services offered are: 

Hatha – the foun­da­tion of all yoga prac­tice, designed to open, strength­en and cleanse the body by hold­ing the pos­tures for longer peri­ods of time, focus­ing on align­ment, still­ness of mind and breathing.

Vinyasa – a dynam­ic flow of pos­tures con­nect­ed togeth­er by breath. The idea of trans­for­ma­tion is inte­gral to vinyasa, chal­leng­ing each stu­dent to tap into the change they desire and using the yoga prac­tice to accom­plish that.

Prana – in yoga prana is thought to be the ener­gy life force that per­me­ates the uni­verse.  Sim­i­lar con­cepts in oth­er philoso­phies are chi in Tai Chi, lung in Tibetan Bud­dhism, or “the force” in Star Wars. Prana yoga uses con­trolled breath­ing and sounds asso­ci­at­ed with the chakras to tap into spe­cif­ic ener­gy cen­ters of the body to move the heal­ing prana through out the body.

Pranaya­ma – breath­ing tech­niques that enhance the yog­ic prac­tice allow­ing for the max­i­mum ben­e­fit from the life force, prana. In yoga the breath and the mind are interdependent.

Restora­tive – a yum­my style of yoga that pro­vides a deep, relax­ing, cen­ter­ing expe­ri­ence. These ses­sions revi­tal­ize the body by increas­ing cir­cu­la­tion and calm­ing the ner­vous sys­tem. Props are often used to enable a longer respite in the pose and allow for a deep­er release. Pranaya­ma breath­ing tech­niques may be used. Restora­tive class­es are an excel­lent way to bal­ance out the stress of mod­ern life. After a deli­cious Restora­tive ses­sion you will re-enter the world with a peace­ful mind and an open heart.

Med­i­ta­tion – imag­ine a sin­gu­lar moment when there aren’t a mil­lion dif­fer­ent thoughts rac­ing around your head telling you where to go, what to do, replay­ing con­ver­sa­tions and events. Guid­ed med­i­ta­tion is a prac­tice to help to qui­et the mind and extend that sin­gu­lar, per­fect moment into min­utes. A tree is just a tree, a flower is just a flower, noth­ing more. You are in the present.