Private Classes

Pri­vate class­es pro­vide a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a cus­tom designed prac­tice to fit your phys­i­cal needs, psy­cho­log­i­cal goals, strengths, weak­ness­es and oth­er unique con­sid­er­a­tions. Based on the infor­ma­tion gath­ered in an intro­duc­to­ry phone con­ver­sa­tion, hohmyo­ga will cre­ate a pro­gram of per­son­al­ized yoga instruc­tion. Through­out these ses­sions the tech­niques used will pro­vide a safe, chal­leng­ing yoga prac­tice pro­mot­ing a health­i­er body and mind, appro­pri­ate for begin­ning stu­dents as well as those on a more advanced path.

Pri­vate class­es are great for:

  • receiv­ing one-on-one atten­tion to your align­ment, breath work, pos­tures and practice
  • some­one who is brand new to yoga or is feel­ing a bit rusty
  • a long time stu­dent who wants to take their prac­tice to the next lev­el and enhance their exist­ing work
  • those on a tight sched­ule who need the ben­e­fit of an instruc­tor com­ing to their home
  • those who wish to come to my in-home stu­dio to receive the ben­e­fits of many props, acces­sories and treatments
  • some­one who is in the heal­ing process after or dur­ing an injury, preg­nan­cy or disease

The invest­ment of pri­vate lessons ranges in price from $40 — $80 per class. Please email for spe­cif­ic pric­ing based on your goals.

Mats on the Grass

Mats on the Grass

In warmer months, join hohmyo­ga for its week­ly out­door class in one of NYC’s many beau­ti­ful parks! The loca­tion varies each week, as does the time of class with the sun­rise or the sun­set. Please check my blog for details or join the mail­ing list to enjoy sun­shine, mov­ing your body to release the day’s ten­sion, endor­phins, breath­ing fresh air deeply into your lungs and the fresh, soft, grass.